Friday, June 7, 2013

Lenovo Paves the Way for Made-in-America Computers as North Carolina Facility Ramps Up Full Production - ABC News

Lenovo Paves the Way for Made-in-America Computers as North Carolina Facility Ramps Up Full Production - ABC News

Breast Cancer: Know Your Risks

Breast Cancer: Know Your Risks

Ohio Prosecutor Posing as Woman Fired for Allegedly Facebooking Witnesses - ABC News

Ohio Prosecutor Posing as Woman Fired for Allegedly Facebooking Witnesses - ABC News

The Eight Reasons that People Cheat on Their Partners

If you are, or have considered, entering into an extramarital affair, see which of these reasons are highest on your list and why. For each reason, I’ve gone into more detail on what participants in the Omarzu et al study actually said (obviously all identifying information had been deleted). 1. Lack of sexual satisfaction in your primary relationship. This was the most common reason cited by individuals in the Omarzu study. Recall that the large majority of the sample were women. Both women and men who enter into affairs are hoping to improve their sex lives. They may enjoy many other mutual activities but, for whatever reason, the sex is not working out for them. 2. Desire for additional sexual encounters. This was a relatively infrequent reason cited by the individuals in this study. It’s possible that more people had this as a reason but didn’t want to admit to it as it is not a very socially desirable wish to articulate. For example, one man in the study stated that he felt he needed more sex in his life to reward him for performing well at his job. 3. Lack of emotional satisfaction in your primary relationship. Seeking emotional intimacy can be nearly as compelling a reason to have an affair as can seeking physical intimacy. Participants who stated the need for emotional closeness in an affair felt they were lacking a connection to their primary partners. 4. Wanting emotional validation from someone else. Being appreciated is a key factor in the emotional connection that partners feel toward each other. Partners may grow apart and, as they do, fail to acknowledge the needs that both have in their relationship. 5. Falling out of love with your partner. This was a relatively insignificant reason in the Omarzu study, perhaps because “love” is so difficult to define. In the grand scheme of things, having sexual and emotional intimacy seems to trump love. 6. Falling in love with someone new. Very few people indicated that they had fallen head over heels for the person with whom they had the affair. Again, emotional intimacy plus sexual closeness seems to be a more important factor that leads partners to stray. 7. Your wanting to seek revenge. In a relationship that is already suffering, the desire to hurt a partner who is (or is perceived as) cheating seems to raise the stakes significantly from mere lack of intimacy. Hollywood enjoys exploiting this category (think “American Beauty”), but in reality very few participants cited this as the main cause of their affairs. 8. You’re curious and want new experiences. People who cited this reason felt that they wanted something new, this motivation went beyond curiosity and into some type of contest to measure their sexual prowess. It might have been less complicated for them to compete on the tennis court or golf course, but the allure of someone and something new led them to choose this particular form of challenge. Extramarital affairs clearly represent a complex mix of desire, anguish, and need for connection. Rarely are they apparently entered into without conflict or even distress. They may be the product of, or the cause of, the ending of a marital relationship. Happy couples may decide to experiment and, as Calhoun observed, find that their marriages survive intact if not improved. However, as shown in these studies, it’s a risky venture, not one for the faint at heart.

The Emotional Effects of Infertility on the Couple Relationship

As a result of taking responsibility for the emotional impact of the infertility, the woman experiences intense feelings, such as pain, anger, fear, etc., which, combined with the messages that her way of dealing with things is in some way dysfunctional or "crazy", causes her to feel an anxious depression. As feelings spill out, she feels out of control and doesn't really know how to ask for what she needs, especially from the husband she is struggling so hard to protect. She may yearn for an emotional connection/interaction at one moment and in the next withdraw emotionally from her husband when she fears she has disappointed him.

7 Summer Calorie Bombs to Avoid - ABC News

7 Summer Calorie Bombs to Avoid - ABC News

Thursday, June 6, 2013

19 Smart Snacks That Burn Fat - ABC News

19 Smart Snacks That Burn Fat - ABC News

Woman Training for Marathon Has Surprise Baby

Woman Training for Marathon Has Surprise Baby: Trish Staine thought the aches and pains of a two-hour run were just one hazard of training to run a half-marathon. But Staine’s soreness was instead a sign that she was in labor. A day after completing a two-hour run along a hilly road, Staine...

9 Signs Emotional Intimacy is Suffering in a Marriage

9 Signs Emotional Intimacy is suffering in a marriage: 1. Couples have stopped talking and sharing their daily events and happenings. Communication has decreased and silence has developed. 2. Couples have stopped touching and feeling each other with genuine desire. Little to no intimate interaction is happening between the couple to keep passion alive. 3. Husbands and wives have stopped kissing with intensity. Giving spouse's quick pecks has taken over kissing with passion, love and feelings. 4. Couples desire and fire for each other has deteriorated. Instead couples grow into disconnected, loveless marriage from dead sexual interest. 5. Spouses are not listening to their mate. When a spouse is not listening, sighs of frustration, depression and body language will certainly become present from the lacking spouse. These few signs are evidence of unhappiness and emotionally hurting. 6. Husbands and wives feel their own responsibilities are greater then their mates responsibilities. As a result, one spouse is left feeling unappreciated. 7. Husband and wives are meeting independently to attend the same functions instead of taking an extra few minutes to meet in their driveway and ride together as a couple. 8. Husbands and wives are not having a set down dinner together as a family unit. Instead couples are grabbing dinner on the run or eating in front of the television where staying connected is impossible. 9. Husbands and wives are emotionally damaging their marital relationship by cussing and calling their mate vulgar names. As a result, husbands and/or wives are experiencing anger, unhappiness, low self-esteem, or depression from this form of damaging behaviors. Article Source:

Woman Who Let Powerball Winner Go Ahead of Her Has No Regrets - ABC News

Woman Who Let Powerball Winner Go Ahead of Her Has No Regrets - ABC News

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Is Your Partner Emotionally Abusive?

Just because you aren't getting smacked around doesn't mean you aren't suffering. In fact, verbal abuse and emotional abuse in relationships is on the rise, and the psychological damage it inflicts can be crippling. To escape this insidious torment, you have to be able to spot the symptoms

12 Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

How to know if a Marriage is miserable and failing? Not all marriages are made in heaven. A marriage in order to be a happy one takes a considerable amount of work. There are many signs to an unhappy marriage.

Minneapolis Most Fit, Oklahoma City Needs to Start Jogging

Minneapolis Most Fit, Oklahoma City Needs to Start Jogging: Minneapolis was rated as the country’s healthiest and most fit city while Oklahoma City needs to get on a treadmill. It is the third year in a row that Minneapolis topped the national ranking by the American College of Sports Medicine. It’s the fifth...

Iconic 'American' Brands That Are Foreign-Owned - ABC News

Iconic 'American' Brands That Are Foreign-Owned - ABC News

Blood Purity: How a Bizarre Obsession Advanced Science - ABC News

Blood Purity: How a Bizarre Obsession Advanced Science - ABC News

If your Ex Boyfriend Won't Leave you Alone

Sometimes a relationship isn’t meant to be and the best thing that the partners can do is to go their own ways. However some people have more trouble moving on than others and they keep trying to make unwanted contact with a former partner. If you have been facing the same kind of behavior from an ex boyfriend, here are a few things you can do.

Health and Human Services' Sebelius Seeks Review of Transplant Policies for Kids in Need - ABC News

Health and Human Services' Sebelius Seeks Review of Transplant Policies for Kids in Need - ABC News